Cultural visits: the winning combination
3 minutes
- Culture & food
Monday: swimming pool. Tuesday: hiking. Wednesday: cycling. And how about slipping a little cultural visit in between two activities in the great outdoors?
Thrilling castle adventures
Children’s books are filled with knights and princesses, so when the kids have a chance to discover where their heroes really lived, they’re going to be jumping for joy (but don’t worry, castles have plenty of space for that).
If you look hard there’s bound to be a castle near your campsite, but which will it be: Cathar or mediaeval, fortified or haunted? Peering over the battlements, climbing up the spiral staircases, down to the dungeons to try to read the markings scratched on the wall... there are a thousand ways of having fun.
The drawbridge and arrow-slits are always a success, and some sites even organise historical re-enactments complete with period costumes and falconry displays that never fail to impress!
Chilling in the depths of a cave
Another must-visit when it comes to cultural heritage: caves. They fascinate the youngest and take grown-ups straight back to their childhood... The unusual colours of the stone, the cool atmosphere or humid warmth, an entertaining echo, shapes that immediately make you think of characters from a fairytale or misshapen houses... They open the door to a totally magical world.
Admire the stalactites (the large ‘icicles’ that hang from the roof) and the stalagmites (those that rise from the floor) with all the family. Take crayons and drawing paper with you for a grand family art competition. And if you have teenagers, it’s the perfect place for some scary fun: see who can invent the most spine-chilling story, six feet underground!
Finally, if you’re lucky enough to be near a cave decorated with prehistoric paintings, you really shouldn’t miss paying a visit. Your children will remember it all their lives!
Add in a little extra culture fun
Suggest to the children that they dress up for their visit: as a knight for exploring a castle, or someone from the Stone Age to head deep into a cave. They’re going to love it!