camping Mané Guernehué
Camping holidays Carnac Stones
When you're staying in a campsite close to the town of Carnac, if there really is just one place you shouldn't miss, it's the Carnac Stones, an extraordinary and unique megalithic location.
People come in their droves to this Brittany location, which is famous all over the world, and where you'll find around 3000 menhirs lined up over more than 4 km in Morbihan. What makes this location so unusual is the extraordinary alignment of its menhirs, which, as well as being perfectly aligned in several rows, are meticulously arranged by decreasing size.
The Carnac Stones provoke all sorts of questions: why are they all so carefully lined up? What do they represent? There are all sorts of legends which attempt to explain this mystery.
The most famous of these is the legend of Saint Cornély, which explains that this Pope, who was in Rome between 251 and 253 AD, is said to have transformed Roman soldiers into menhirs by simply making the sign of the cross, in order to escape from them. It's certainly true that, for some people, these menhirs can look like rows of soldiers preparing for battle. And while they may be soldiers for some people, for others it is a place of worship, or involved in calculating the positions of the stars, but the truth is that the mystery is still as complete as it ever was!
Camping Carnac
The Carnac Stones location is divided into several areas. Heading east-west the alignment of Ménec with its 1050 stones in 11 lines is followed by the alignment of Kermario, with its 1029 menhirs in 10 rows, which are the most impressive menhirs in terms of size, followed by the alignment of Kerlescan, with its 555 stones in 13 lines.
Whilst entry to the location is free in winter, this does not apply in summer, at which time, for preserving the location and because of the crowds, you can only visit the Carnac Stones if you are accompanied by an authorised guide.
And for people who would like to know more about these incredible menhirs, you can head to the museum of prehistory in Carnac, which is home to items that have been discovered during archaeological digs.
Maison des Mégalithes
Route des Alignements
Lieu-dit Le Ménec
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