Lake of Serre-Ponçon

Come and enjoy a camping holiday at the Lake of Serre Ponçon, where you’ll find a little locality of paradise.

Holidays in camping Lake of Serre Ponçon
Where Provence meets the Alps, where the water is cool and clean and where the climate is still thoroughly southern, sits the Lake of Serre Ponçon. You've arrived! Here, holidays can be enjoyed at a quite different pace; one which moves in time with the countryside. Here, you can enjoy all kinds of watersports, from windsurfing to fishing.
Purity is everything here: pure water, pure air and pure sky. The countryside of Serre Ponçon is the perfect place for all your hikes and outings by bike, on foot, on horseback or even on a donkey with pack saddles, which is something the kids always enjoy!
As you go around the lake, you'll be amazed by the scale of this artificial reservoir. Three villages were flooded during its construction, and are now submerged beneath the water. There is still a single remnant of the buildings that used to be here: a little chapel in the middle of a tiny island, standing proudly above the water.


Camping Lake of Serre Ponçon
Serre Ponçon isn't just a destination of choice for people who enjoy sports; it's also a great place for people who enjoy a calmer time on holiday! Here, people really are devoted to sunbathing and swimming from the well-equipped and patrolled beaches or from its wild inlets! With water, mountains and sunshine, you have all the ingredients you need for a great camping holiday in Serre Ponçon.

1 campsite found

campings Alpes de Haute-Provence
